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Long Term Disability - LTD income insurance or Short Term Disability - STD  income insurance for business owners and individuals.  Ask us to create a custom plan for you today!

Ambulances Don't Practice

More bankruptcies and home foreclosures are due to a disability than any other cause.

Long Term Disability (LTD) income insurance.  The odds are that 1 out of every 3 people will become disabled for at least 90 days prior to age 65.  Those disabilities that reach 90 days, on average will last close to five years. 


What is the longest vacation you ever took?  Now extend that to a year or a lifetime.  How will you, or your employees, fund it?  LTD replaces a portion of your salary up to ages 65 or 70 if you are disabled, usually for more than three months, and prevented from working in your own occupation.  Include a COLA (inflation) and employment termination transfer benefit to keep up with inflation or employment changes.  LTD may be purchased as an individual or as a group.

Short Term Disability (STD) income insurance.  STD replaces a portion of your salary for the first 3 ~ 6 months of a sickness (i.e. pregnancy or illness) or off the job injury (i.e. knee surgery or hernia) that prevents you from working and then stops when LTD begins.   Benefits usually begin after the 1st day of an injury, or 8th day of an illness.  STD is not available to individuals, only to employer sponsored groups.
Long Term Care insurance.  LTC covers the cost of a nursing home or home health aide.  Most health insurance policies do not cover this, or at most for only the first 100 days.  A nursing home can cost upwards of $ 120,000 per year.  A good plan offers a group discount to employees and their extended families on LTC insurance policies.  Many, not all, group LTD plans will allow conversion to an LTC plan upon retirement.  Some newer life insurance policies will also cover a Chronic Illness and care in a Long Term Care facility.

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All those bills that come in every month whether we are working or not.  How will you pay yours' if you are sick or injured more than a few weeks?

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