Your Benefit Resource!®

Simple solutions for complex issues.©



Your resource for health insurance and employee benefit plan design.  Ask us to create a custom plan for you today!

Commissions, Fees, & Privacy Disclosure Statement

As required by the State of Minnesota insurance regulations I (Scott D. Johnson, Your Benefit Resource! LLC) am disclosing to you that, depending upon the company that we are working with, I am paid either by a  commission on the sale of the product by the insurance company, consulting fees directly from you, our associates, the insurance company, or a combination may be paid.  These fees or  commission arrangements may be modified only by our mutual agreement.
Scott D. Johnson is currently licensed by the State of Minnesota – license # 52007 to offer fixed and indexed annuities, life, health, dental, vision, long term care and disability income insurance.  You should not purchase anything without first reviewing and understanding the product and prospectus if applicable.
We represent many different insurance or investment companies.  Insurance or investment commission rates  are usually built into the product premium and will vary by company and product.  A list is available upon written request of those companies we currently offer to our clients.
Project consulting fees are negotiable, but typical options are as follows:
Hourly rate: $ 150 per hour + expenses ~ two hour minimum
Weekly rate: $ 7,500 + expenses
Minnesota Care and Medical Assistance applications are $ 150 per year.

By acceptance of our services and rates you agree that if in the future there is a change in the "agent of  record" to any or all insurance policies or investment accounts written, or serviced, by Scott D. Johnson, that all continuing renewals and commissions shall remain payable to him for as long as the policy or account  remains in force.  A simple change in policy deductibles, features or account numbers within your firm, or the providing insurance, investment or administration company, does not end this agreement.  


The purpose of this agreement is to protect the intellectual property, work product or manual work performed on your behalf.  These commissions may not be reassigned to the providing company, another agent, or agency, without the prior written mutual agreement of both yourself and Scott D. Johnson.

Your personal information will not sold to any third party or used for any purpose other than the servicing of  your accounts held by our firm.  From time to time we may use this information to send targeted marketing offers to select clients within our firm that may have an interest, or need, for a product or service they are not  currently purchasing from us or by our network associates (e.g. auto insurance, accounting or legal services, etc.).

Thank you for your business.  I appreciate it and will work to maintain your confidence!

Signed: X ________________      Date:_____________ 
Print Name & Title:    ___________________________ 

Your Benefit Resource! © 1988~2025